– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Storeteigen friends association

Please join us!

The friends of Storeteigen association is an active association that engages in high-spirited voluntary work.
Would you like to become involved in our work?
Contact chair Stig Lundblad-Sandbakk;
mobile number (+47) 917 22 857 / stig.lundblad.sandbakk@kabuso.no

Another association that brings life to Storeteigen is the rural women’s association Øystese bygdekvinnelag.
If you would like to join them, contact Astrid Lunestad;
mobile number (+47) 900 44 581 / astridby@yahoo.com

Follow Storeteigen on Facebook – where, among other things, we provide information about these associations’ activities.